So these past few days have been exhausting. I went out a few times, stayed up too late and lacked in productivity. On the upside, I called a few friends and had some good chats which eventually led to a pang of homesickness that lasted for a couple of hours. Don't get me wrong, the life here is amazing and dreamlike and super duper cool but then I start to miss those certain people that I'm so used to having in my life everyday or at least a lot closer than thousands of miles apart.
Yesterday I went grocery shopping for the first time at Taste, a store that is "more than food" and right next to the Hang Hau MTR station. Kristen, Frances, Christine and I made a trip of it and ate at a sushi bar and then had gelato. I also finally did my laundry which feels awesome except for the fact that it is currently in heaps on my bed which prevents me from being able to sleep in my bed. And why would I want to sleep in my bed when it is not even 5pm here? Well because I woke up 12 hours ago to go to Lan Kwai Fong to watch the Patriots NOT make history at Bulldogs, a British pub. Speaking of Brits, my new friend Sebastian is pretty cool and I have a class with him, Juliette, Micheal and Jeff which is totally awesome. I'm starting to say things like Seb without even trying to. Hopefully I'll gain his accent and not the HK accent of broken English. Okay that's mean but true. I'm starting to lose my grammar and it's sad.
I'm sitting in the computer barn...yes barn not school and I hope no HK students look over my shoulder and read this and get pissed at me for saying they speak poorly. I can't speak Cantonese, so they have one up on me.
Anyway, today I finally got my Octopus card form stamped (I thought that sounded dirty but of course I did) and now I just have to go to the MTR station to get a card so I don't hold up my friends when they're ready for automatic entry to the trains and I have to speed through getting a ticket and run breathlessly to catch up. I'm exagerrating of course and I'm not particularly sure how to spell that either. Oh well.
I have a Blackberry that I found and well it's sort of stolen I guess because I didn't make enough effort to find the person it belonged to and return it. I am a bad person. Now I get made fun of everyday for talking on a BBerry and they call me "Hollywood." Well Dave does and some other people do sometimes. But Dave's kind of a punk.
Anyway, it's getting sort of late and I need to get to the fitness center.
See you soon my loves!
Oh, and I burned my hair off. Friggen high voltage.
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